
[News, photos] Les vaisseaux d'After Earth

Colie Wertz est un des participant au design des vaisseaux que l'on peut voir dans After Earth, actuellement au cinéma.
Il nous dévoile ainsi ses prototypes avec un commentaire à chaque fois !

Dans 50 ans :

"The "Flotilla Ships", or NOMADS, are near future. These craft were to carry the inhabitants from Earth, thru space, searching for a habitable planet. I referenced the international space station and extrapolated from there. Star Destroyers and the Galactica were also ref'd (by me). I gave it a sub-like bridge and had a happy accident modeling it where I rotated/duped 2 more at 120 degrees and liked the combination. It gave the splindliness of the space station more mass. From there I added the circular ends for docking/module coupling. Few more circular elements along the side of each ship and the "cluster" of NOMADS started having some life. These were developed at the same time as the Docking Bay. It was a good mix of 2D marker sketches and 3D modeling to get it to final. My primary contact, Jonathan Rothbart, the VFX supe, was a great guide, as he and the director were very in sync. It made for a very smooth process."

Résumé : "Les Vaisseaux de la Flotte, les NOMAD, ont été construits pour transporter les habitants de la Terre vers une planète habitable. Pour le design, je me suis inspiré de la station spatiale internationale."

Dans quelques siècles :

"The "Hovercraft" was the next period of time I addressed. These vehicles were set a few hundred years in the future. Tom Sanders, the Production Designer, explained that the inhabitants of the NOMAD ships would have made technological advances while aboard these ships over time. The Hovercraft reveal that. For inspiration I took a look at cargo planes, cargo helicopters, and jetboats, as these things were going to be over water for the shots. I tried to give it a hunched personality (offensive), but have a lot of glass (cautious) as these things needed good visibility as they sniffed around potential inhabitable planets. Graphically, the glass helped, too."

Résumé : "Les Hovercraft sont utilisés pour détecter les mondes potentiellement habitables. Leur structure comporte du verre afin d’augmenter leur visibilité. La forme du vaisseau correspond à un croisement entre un hélicoptère cargo et un bateau à réaction."

Dans plusieurs milliers d'années, période où se déroule l'histoire du film : 

"The "Frigate" is a vehicle current to the action in the movie. Tom Sanders (the production designer) had a very specific set of rules governing the propulsion and skin of the ships. Very organic, almost a "grown" skin, and no rocket propulsion (they wouldn't have fuel). The hero ship, the Hesper, was already designed, so I got a lot of clues and cues from it. The Frigate was to be much larger. I tried to introduce more aggressive, contradictory lines in some areas to break up the larger form and referenced a Remora (fish) for a large viewport on the "head". I also pushed wider and deeper cuts in the skin to help the overall breakup. The propulsion system was going to be sonic, which is how their weapons would work, too, so it didn't have to be super-external... just integrated into the swooping shapes underneath."

Résumé : "Les Frégates sont visibles pendant le film. Tom Sanders, également en charge du design, voulait observer un certain nombre de lois régissant la technologie des moteurs à propulsion et la coque du vaisseau, qui souhaitait "très organique". J’ai essayé d’ajouter une touche d’agressivité au design initial et me suis inspiré des poissons Remora pour concevoir la forme de la tête."


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